Biography of Kalidas.




Kalidas was an incredible artist and writer of Sanskrit language. He made on the premise out of the folklore and theory of India, and in his works, different structures and fundamental components of Indian life and reasoning are addressed. 

Date and Time of Birth: Gupta Dynasty 

Spot and date of death: Gupta Dynasty 

Language: Sanskrit,Prakrit 

Plays: Abhijnanashakuntalam, Malavikagnimitram, More 

Motion pictures: Mahakavi Kalidasu, Shakuntala, Kumar Sambhavam, Malavikagni Mitra, More

He was an incredible writer and dramatist of Sanskrit language.He made on the premise out of folklore and theory of India and his works address different structures and essential components of Indian life and reasoning. Because of these qualities, Kalidas is viewed as a writer who offers voice to the general public awareness of the country and a few researchers even give him the situation of a public artist.

                                              Early Life

Discussion in regards to the hour of birth of Kalidas

Nothing is yet clear about the researcher of writing and when and where the incredible writer Kalidas was conceived. Yet, researchers have various conclusions with respect to his introduction to the world. 

It is accepted that Kalidasa may have lived from 150 BC to 450 AD. Though as per an examination, Kalidas probably been brought into the world in the Gupta time frame. Since Kalidasa composed the play "Malvikagnimitram" by making the second Sunga ruler Agnimitra as the legend and Agnimitra administered in 170 BC from which the introduction of Kalidasa can be gathered. 

In the sixth century, Banabhatta has referenced Kalidasa in his work "Harshacharitam" and in the Aihole engraving of Pulakeshin II of a similar period, Kalidasa is referenced all things considered, he can't be after him. Thusly, Kalidas is viewed as brought into the world between the first century BC to the third century AD. 

Kalidas additionally didn't explain anything about the spot of birth

Like the hour of birth of the extraordinary writer Kalidas, nothing can be said unmistakably about his origination. He has portrayed the city of Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh in his Khandkavya Meghdoot, such countless antiquarians accept that the extraordinary writer Kalidas was an occupant of Ujjain. 

There are various assessments of the litterateurs about the origin of Kalidas. As per a few litterateurs, Kalidas was brought into the world in Kaviltha town of Rudraprayag region of Uttarakhand, while a sculpture of Kalidas has likewise been introduced by the Government of India in Kaviltha town, alongside an assembly hall has additionally been built. 

Alongside this, let us likewise reveal to you that an artistic class of three days is coordinated in this assembly hall consistently in June, in which researchers come from various pieces of the nation to take an interest. 

The picture of Kalidas was wonderful and beguiling, he used to draw in everybody towards him, alongside he was one of the Navaratnas in the court of King Vikramaditya. 

It is additionally said about the extraordinary writer Kalidas ji that he was unskilled in youth, he didn't get things. In any case, later he turned into a researcher of writing and got the situation with an incredible artist of Hindi writing.

Marriage Story 

The extraordinary writer and rationalist Kalidas was hitched to Princess Vidyotma by some coincidence. It is said that Princess Vidyotma had taken a promise that whoever crushed her in the discussion, she would wed him. At the point when Vidyotma crushed every one of the researchers in the discussion, she was disheartened by the embarrassment and to render retribution for this, a few researchers were misled. He got Kalidas to discuss Princess Vidyotma and got him hitched to Princess Vidyotma. 

Allow us to reveal to you that for the trial of the discussion, Princess Vidyotma used to pose exclusive inquiries in quiet jargon, which Kalidas used to reply with quiet signals from his keenness. 

Vidyotma felt that Kalidasa was furnishing an obscure response to an exclusive inquiry. For instance, when Vidyotma showed an open hand as an inquiry, Kalidas felt that she was threatening to slap. 

Along these lines, accordingly, he showed a punch, then, at that point Vidyotma felt that Kalidas is saying that despite the fact that the five faculties are unique, all are administered by a similar psyche. 

Intrigued by this, Princess Vidyotma consented to wed Kalidas and acknowledged him as her significant other. 

Kalidas turned into the incredible writer after the scourge of Vidyotma

A couple of days after the fact, when Princess Vidyotma came to think about Kalidas' lethargic acumen, she turned out to be pitiful and reviled Kalidas ji and tossed her out of the house saying that she ought not get back without turning into a genuine pandit. 

What was then, at that point, Kalidas, who was embarrassed by his better half, set out to gain training and was resolved to turn into a genuine Pandit and with this goal he went out. Furthermore, began venerating Mother Kali with a genuine heart. 

After which with the endowments of Maa Kali, he turned into the preeminent researcher and researcher of writing. After this he got back to his home, and offered voice to his significant other, after which Vidyotma saw solely after hearing at the entryway that a learned man had come. 

In this manner he achieved preeminent information after the censure of his better half and turned into an incredible writer. Today, he is being considered as a part of the best writers of the world, not just this, no other artist like Kalidas has been brought into the world in the writing till now.

Sonnet in Hindi 

Because of the creations that Kalidas has composed with his visionary reasoning and special keenness, he is considered as a real part of the best artists and dramatists on the planet. 

His works have scholarly just as chronicled significance. There is an extensive rundown of his sytheses, however Kalidas has the most popularity in view of his 7 organizations, those structures are as per the following

Four poetic texts are famous- 

Epic – Raghuvansh, Kumarasambhava.

Khandkavya - Meghdoot, Ritusanhar.

 Three plays are famous-

Abhigyan Shakuntalam


• Vikramorvashiya.

 Because of these compositions, he was called the best and greatest poet of the world.  Its beautiful succinct language, expression of love and separation, and nature's depiction leave the readers captivated and engrossed.  A brief description of Kalidasa's works is as follows:

Abhigyan Shakuntalam (play) – Abhigyan Shakuntalam

 This play of Mahakavi Kalidas ji is very famous, this play is based on the interpretation of Shakuntala of Adiparva of Mahabharata, in which the love story of King Dushyant and Shakuntala is described.  This play has total 7 marks.

 Vikramorvasiyam (Drama) – Vikramorvasiyam

 The play Vikramorvashiyam by the great poet Kalidas is a thrilling and full of mysteries.  In which Kalidas ji has described the love relationship of Pururva and Apsara Urvashi.

 This play of the poet keeps the readers engaged till the last moment and awakens the feeling of love in the readers, so a large number of readers are associated with this creation of the poet.

 Meghdoot - Meghdoot

 This Khandakavya of poet Kalidas has also gained a lot of fame, in fact in this Khandakavya poet Kalidas has described the pain of a husband towards his wife.  In Meghdoot, Kalidas narrates the story of a servant named Yaksha.

 Malavikagrimitram (Drama) – Malavikagnimitram

 The play Malavikagrimitram by the great poet Kalidasa is based on the love story of King Agramitra.  In this play, the poet Kalidas, a scholar of literature, has explained the love meeting of King Agnaditra and Malavika, the daughter of a servant.

 This play of the great poet Kalidas has awakened a different in the minds of the readers, which is why this play of his has got a lot of fame.

 Raghuvansh (Epic) – Raghuvansham

 The poet Kalidas, the scholar of literature, has explained the kings of Raghukul dynasty in his epic Raghuvansh.  In this epic, the poet told that Lord Rama was related to Raghuvansh, along with this it was also told in this epic that Dilip was the first king of Raghukul.

 Kumarasambhav (Epic) – Kumar Sambhav

 In the epic Kumarasambhavam, the love story of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati has been explained, in this, the poet Kalidas, while explaining the beauty of Mother Parvati, has written that by collecting all the beautiful things that can happen in the world and then placing it in the right place.  But by organizing, the creator had made Mother Parvati with great care, he also wrote in his epic that all the beauty of the world is contained in Mother Parvati.

 Along with this, Kalidas has shown the love of Lord Shiva for Mother Parvati in Kumarasambhavam, which every reader gets emotional after reading it. Apart from this, the birth of Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, was also explained in this epic.  

Kalidas ki Rachnaye

 Kalidas was not only a good poet and playwright but he also had good knowledge of astrologer.

 Kalidas ji has composed the book Uttar Kalamrit, which is mainly based on astrology and which shows that the great poet Kalidas was also intense in astrology.  Some other compositions written by Kalidas ji have been written below which are as follows –

 •Shyama Dandakam.


 •Makeup rasashtam.



 •Makeup tilakam.


 •Flowers luxury.

 •Special things of Kalidas ji's compositions – About Kalidasa in Hindi

 •Kalidas ji used eloquent, simple and melodious language in his compositions.

 •Shringar Ras has also been described very well in his compositions.

 •He has also explained the seasons in his compositions, which is commendable.

 •Kalidas ji also took care of idealistic tradition and moral values ​​in his works.

Kalidasa in present day times 

In Koodiyattam there is an auditorium of Sanskrit based plays, where plays of Bhasa are played. The late Natyacharya Vidushkaratnam Padmashree Guru Mani Madhav Chakyar, the incomparable Koodiyattam craftsman and researcher of dramatic science, started the organizing of Kalidasa's plays. Movies of South Indian dialects ​​have additionally contributed a great deal in promoting Kalidas. The Kannada language films Kaviratna Kalidas and Mahakavi Kalidas made Kalidasa's life extremely famous. Embellishments and music were utilized well in these movies. V Shantaram made a film dependent on Shakuntala. This film was compelling to such an extent that numerous movies were made dependent on it in numerous dialects. 

Hindi essayist Mohan Rakesh formed Ashadh Ka Ek Din, a play on the existence of Kalidas, which portrays different parts of Kalidas' striving life. In 1976, Surendra Varma composed a play, in which it is referenced that because of the scourge of Parvati, Kalidas couldn't finish Kumarasambhava. Parvati had reviled him for profanely portraying the homegrown existence of Shiva and Parvati. In this play, Kalidas needed to confront the court of Chandragupta, where intellectuals and moralists made a few claims against him. The play not just portrays the striving life of an author yet in addition underlines the significance of opportunity of articulation of the essayist. 

Dr. Krishna Kumar composed a play in 1984 by the name Asti Kashchit Vagarthiyam, in view of the famous story of Kalidasa's marriage. As per this legend, Kalidas was cutting a similar part of the tree on which he was sitting. Two researchers embarrassed by Vidyottama got her hitched to Kalidas. At the point when she understands that she has been cheated, she dismisses Kalidas. Simultaneously, Vidyottama additionally said that she would acknowledge him on the off chance that he returned in the wake of acquiring information and acclaim. At the point when Kalidas returned subsequent to acquiring information and acclaim, Kalidas acknowledged her as a master rather than his better half to show him the correct way.


Who was the best writer among Kalidas and Dandi, both put this inquiry before Mother Saraswati. Saraswati answered, Dandi. Tragic Kalidas asked, "So mother I am nothing"? The mother answered, Tvamevah, that is, both you and I are something similar. 


K. D. Sethna, Problems of Ancient India (Chapter-The Times of Kalidas), 2000 New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan Kalidas Literally Constellations of Indian Literature.


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